Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Bible vs. Eternal Marriage

How is it that we believe in eternal marriage when the Bible clearly states in Matthew 22:30 that, in the resurrection, we are neither married nor given in marriage?

Here is an idea to consider....When my son Tyler was blessed 18 years ago, my two sisters, Leah and Anna, and a family friend named Karen wrote the words of the blessing for me.  All three scratched out the words in real time as I spoke them; but interestingly, Leah's version fills a whole page, Anna's version is written in shorthand, covering about 3/4 of a page and Karen's is written in paragraph format.  Most of the content is the same.  But each version has unique content that does not appear in the others.

How is it possible if they all heard and wrote the same blessing, to have three differing records of it?  Can it be said that anything Anna didn't write wasn't actually said or that Leah made up any details in her lengthier account?  Of course not.  They were all writing as fast as they could and remembering as much as they could...but they are all human.

We all have this idea that the prophets of old were superhuman, never slept, never ate and never made mistakes.  Yet, the fact that the Lord felt it necessary to have the gospel written four times by four different prophets illustrates the natural shortcomings of even those called of God.

With that in mind it is interesting to note that in Luke's account (Luke 20:35), the Lord said, "...they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world..."  Implying that there is more than one kingdom and worthiness is a factor for entrance.  Perhaps the Lord chose not to elaborate in that moment on all the possible answers to that question and only one of His apostles picked up on the subtle reference He made to the fact that there are other kingdoms for which the answer may be different.

It makes perfect sense that when being questioned by an enemy, whose purpose was not to obtain an answer, the Savior chose to give a general answer that is actually true of the Telestial Kingdom, the Terrestrial Kingdom and 2 of the 3 degrees of the Celestial Kingdom; but still leaving the door open that there is a more in-depth answer.  A reference that perhaps he wanted the Pharisees to miss as He always gave milk before meat (1 Corinthians 3:2, Hebrews 5:12, D&C 19:22).

It is also telling that the Pharisee who asked the question obviously knew that there was marriage in the next life or he wouldn't have asked which man would have her.

The Bible is true and it is the word of God.  The prophets that recorded it were mortal.  Some doctrines were taught as "milk" because of the audience.

President Boyd K. Packer:
Individual doctrines of the gospel are not fully explained in one place in the scriptures, nor presented in order or sequence.  They must be assembled from pieces here and there. They are sometimes found in large segments, but mostly they are in small bits scattered through the chapters and verses.