Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Why Do We Need The Book of Mormon?

Many sincere investigators of the Church have asked, “If the Bible is true, why do we need the Book of Mormon?”  The answer is simple and begins with a discussion about truth and the Bible.

At present, according to The Center for the Study of Global Christianity, there are over 43,000 different Christian religions based on the Bible.  In addition, Wikipedia says there are over 100 different English translations of the Bible.

Neither the religions nor the different Bibles teach the same doctrine.  Some Christian religions teach that we should pray to the Virgin Mary for forgiveness (Catholics) and others teach that you need only confess Jesus and you are saved, no matter what else you do (Baptists).  Some Bibles teach that all will be resurrected (King James Version: Job 19:26) and others teach that all will NOT be resurrected (American Standard Version: Job 19:26).  

Thus, a divine answer to a prayer about whether or not the Bible is true would do almost nothing in directing you towards truth; unless it doesn’t matter who you pray to for forgiveness or whether or not you are resurrected.

The simple and profound reason for The Book of Mormon is that when the Lord restored his true gospel to the Earth, it was necessary for him to also provide a way for his children to recognize it amid the countless sea of other churches and theologians.  Because of the Book of Mormon, anyone who is willing to ask God with a sincere heart in the name of Jesus can cut through all the religious confusion and know that God has restored his true gospel to the Earth.

Moroni 10:4
And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Taking The Sacrament In Vain

Imagine standing in front a scale in your bathroom; you didn't take the time to exercise or eat right but before stepping on, you say a quick word to the scale asking it to read lower than the week before...

Many of us do the same thing on Sunday with the sacrament if we give no consideration to the mistakes we made through the week until we are presented with the sacrament.

Repentance should be more about change than asking for forgiveness.  If you are forgiven a hundred times over but never change you haven't accomplished anything.  If you change, and then are forgiven you have completed the process provided through the atonement by which we become celestial beings.

I believe that God forgives us every time we ask.  But are we taking that forgiveness in vain if we do so without making any effort towards change?

Alma 34:32
For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors.